24/7 Emergency Service

After hour phone (09) 470 1060

Sarah Saint Merat

Production Animal Vet (Equine)

Left Displaced Abomasum (LDA) In Dairy Cows

Left Displaced Abomasum (LDA) In Dairy Cows Do you ever get those cows who just slowly drop of their milk …

Disbudding Calves

Disbudding Calves Most of you will have all your replacement calves on the ground by now, so if you haven’t …

Bearings/Vaginal Prolapses in Sheep

Bearings/Vaginal Prolapses in Sheep What is it? A bearing/vaginal prolapse is when the vagina is pushed by the ewe to …

Calving Tips

Aim: To identify calving cows quicker, intervene sooner, have more live calves, fewer dead/rotten calvings and damaged cows. What are …

Paws & Claws – Winter

Winter Is Here! While we don’t have snow in Northland we still have cold wind and plenty of rain. Cats …

Jenny Heap

Production Companion Animal Vet

Keep An Eye Out For Eye Cancer

Keep An Eye Out For Eye Cancer Why do cows get eye cancers? As in humans UV rays can cause …

Facial Eczema

Facial Eczema What is Facial Eczema? The fungus Pithomyces Chartarum grows in dead litter at the base of pasture. When …

Bovine Viral Diarrhoea

Persistently Infected (PI) breeding bulls are a significant threat to the reproductive performance of breeding cattle. Effects of BVD infection …